Halls for Hire in Nottinghamshire NG2

Gamston Community Hall

Ambleside, Gamston, West Bridgford, Nottinghamshire, NG2 6PS

Tel: 0115 9148 553

Email: Online enquiry form


Gamston Village Hall

Old Tollerton Road, Gamston, Nottingham, NG2 6NX

Tel: 07786 141066

Email: bookings@holmepierrepontandgamstonpc.org.uk

Website: www.holmepierrepontandgamstonpc.org.uk

Gresham Sports Park and Pavilion

Gresham Park Road (off Wilford Lane), West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7YF

Tel: 0115 9148 553

Email: communityfacilities@rushcliffe.gov.uk

Website: www.rushcliffe.gov.uk/venues/greshamsportspavillion

Holy Spirit Parish Social Centre

Corner of Victoria Road / Melton Road, West Bridgford, Notts, NG2 7NT

Tel: 0115 981 4271 or 0115 9810320

Email: frmichael@holyspiritwb.org or frjohn@holyspiritwb.org

Website: http://www.holyspiritwb.org

Lady Bay Scout Hall

53 Mona Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 5BU

Tel: To be confirmed

Email: Online enquiry form

Website: http://ladybayscouts.org.uk/scout-hut-appeal/hall-hire

Lutterell Hall (formerly West Bridgford Community Hall)

Church Drive, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 6AY

Tel: 0115 9148 553

Email: communityfacilities@rushcliffe.gov.uk

Website: www.rushcliffe.gov.uk/venues/lutterellhall

Sir Julien Cahn PavilionWest Park, Loughborough Road, West Bridgford, NG2 7JE

Tel: 0115 9148 553

Email: communityfacilities@rushcliffe.gov.uk

Website: www.rushcliffe.gov.uk/venues/sirjuliencahnpavilion

St Luke's Church Hall, West Bridgford

Leahurst Rd, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 6GL

Tel: 0115 974 5024

Email: office@st-lukes-gamston.org

Website: www.st-lukes-gamston.org

St Giles Church Hall, West BridgfordChurch Drive, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 6AY

Tel: 0115 981 1112

Email: admin@stgilesparish.com

Website: http://www.stgilesparish.com/hiring-the-church-hall.html

St Paul's Church Hall

Boundary Road, West Bridgford, Nottinghamshire, NG2 7DB

Tel: 0115 9452019

Email: office@stpauls-boundaryroad.org.uk

Website: http://www.stpauls-boundaryroad.org.uk

The Poppy & Pint, West Bridgford

Pierrepont Rd, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 5DX

Tel: 0115 981 9995

Email: Contact Us

Website: http: www.castlerockbrewery.co.uk/pubs/poppy-pint

West Parks Sports Pavillion

West Park, Loughborough Road, West Bridgford, Nottinghamshire, NG2 7JE

Tel: 0115 9148 553

Email: communityfacilities@rushcliffe.gov.uk

Website: www.rushcliffe.gov.uk/venues/westparksportspavilion

Halls for Hire in Nottinghamshire NG3

Bakersfield Community Centre

314 Sneinton Dale, Nottingham, NG3 7DN

Tel.0115 948 0454

Email - mancombanca@yahoo.co.uk

Blue Bell Hill Community Centre

Pym Walk, Nottingham, NG3 2GL

Tel.0115 947 6722

City Conference & Banqueting (Kashmir) Centre

Carlton Road, Nottingham, NG3 2NR

Tel: 0115 910 1449 or 0115 9101455

Email: info@cityconference.co.uk

Website: http://cityconference.co.uk

Greyfriars Social Club

Gordon Rd, Nottingham, NG3 2LG

Tel: 0115 911 1491

Email: TBC

Website: http://www.greyfriarsnottingham.co.uk

St Jude's Church & Community Centre

405 Woodborough Road, Mapperley, Nottingham NG3 5HE

Tel: 0115 985 6131

Email: www.stjudes.church/contactus

Website: www.stjudes-mapperley.org.uk

Halls for Hire in Nottinghamshire NG4

Colwick Community Centre

227 Vale Rd, Colwick, Nottingham NG4 2GP

Tel: 0115 940 0571

Email: colwickpc@gmail.com

Website: www.colwickpc.org.uk/community-resources/community-centre

Lambley Village Hall

Catfoot Lane, Lambley, Nottingham NG4 4QF

Tel: 0115 926 2060

Email: TBC

Website: www.lambleyvillage.org.uk/Village

Halls for Hire in Nottinghamshire NG8

St Leonards Community Centre

Bramcote Lane, Wollaton, Nottingham, NG8 2ND

Tel: 0115 928 5778

Email: slccwbookings@btconnect.com

Website: www.slccw.com

Wollaton Park Community Centre

Harrow Road, Wollaton, Nottingham, NG8 1FG

Tel: 0115 928 8860

Email: wpcommunitycentre@googlemail.com

Website: http://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/article/23889/Wollaton-and-Lenton-Abbey-community-centres

Halls for Hire in Nottinghamshire NG9

Chilwell Road Methodist Church

Chilwell Road, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 1EH

Tel: 0115 943 1164

Email: admin@chilwellroadmethodist.org.uk

Website: www.chilwellroadmethodist.org.uk

Lucy & Vincent Brown Village Hall

Attenborough Lane, Attenborough, Nottingham, NG9 5HZ

Tel: 07938 748964

Email: bookings@attenboroughvillagehall.org.uk

Website: www.attenboroughvillagehall.org.uk

Halls for Hire in Nottinghamshire NG11

Clifton Village Hall

Village Road, Clifton Village, Nottingham NG11 8NE

Tel: 07982 830120

Email: TBC

Website: http://www.clifton-village.org.uk

Highbank Community Centre

Farnborough Road, Clifton, Nottingham, NG11 9DG

Tel: 0115 974 6333

Website: https://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/community/community-centres/bridge-and-clifton

Jubilee Clubhouse

Loughborough Road, Ruddington, Nottingham, NG11 6NX

Tel: 0115 914 6660

Email: office@ruddingtonparishcouncil.gov.uk

Website: http://ruddingtonparishcouncil.gov.uk/venue-hire/jubilee-clubhouse/

Ruddington Grange

Wilford Road, Ruddington, Nottingham, NG11 6NB

Tel: 0115 921 4139

Email: weddings@ruddingtongrange.com

Website: http://ruddingtongrange.com/weddings-events

Ruddington Village Hall

45 Wilford Rd, Ruddington, Nottingham NG11 6BN

Tel: 0115 914 6660

Email: office@ruddingtonparishcouncil.gov.uk

Website: http://ruddingtonparishcouncil.gov.uk/venue-hire/the-village-hall/

Rushcliffe Country Park Education Centre

Mere Way, Ruddington, Nottingham, NG11 6JS

Tel: 0115 921 5865

Email: countrypark@rushcliffe.gov.uk

Website: http://www.rushcliffe.gov.uk/rushcliffecountrypark/

St Peter's Rooms

Church Street, Ruddington, Nottingham, NG11 6HA

Tel: 0115 914 6660

Email: office@ruddingtonparishcouncil.gov.uk

Website: http://ruddingtonparishcouncil.gov.uk/venue-hire/st-peters-rooms/

Halls for Hire in Nottinghamshire NG12

Burnside Memorial Hall

Church Hill, Plumtree, Nottingham, NG12 5ND

Tel: 0115 989 4443 (daytime) or 0115 937 4915 (evenings)

Email: mike@ag-chemdry.co.uk

Website: www.plumtreeparishcouncil.org.uk/burnside-hall.asp

Catalyst Church (formerly Wellspring Church)

Westminster Drive, Upper Saxondale, Nottingham, NG12 2NL

Tel: 07502 275709

Email: TBC

Website: TBC

Colston Bassett Village Hall

School Lane Colston Bassett Nottinghamshire NG12 3FD

Tel: 01949 81204

Email: TBC

Website: http://www.colstonbassettparishcouncil.co.uk/village-hall-committee

Cropwell Bishop Memorial Hall

Nottingham Road, Cropwell Bishop, Nottinghamshire, NG12 3BP

Tel: 0115 989 2865

Email: TBC

Website: www.cropwellbishopmemorialhall.org.uk

Cropwell Bishop Old School Hall

Fern Road, Cropwell Bishop, Nottinghamshire, NG12 3BU

Tel: 0115 989 4656

Email: clerk@cropwellbishop-pc.gov.uk

Website: http://cropwellbishop-pc.gov.uk

Cropwell Butler Village Hall

Main Street, Cropwell Butler, Nottingham, NG12 3AB

Tel: 07500 180 387

Email: anne.c.woodcock@googlemail.com

Website: http://www.cropwellbutler.com/village-hall

Keyworth Village Hall

Elm Avenue Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5AN

Tel: 0115 937 2185

Email: bookings@keyworthparishcouncil.org

Website: http://www.keyworthparishcouncil.org/village-hall.html

Kinoulton Village Hall

Main Street, Kinoulton, Nottinghamshire, NG12 3EL

Tel: 01949 81501

Email: TBC

Website: https://sites.google.com/a/kinoulton.com/kinoulton-village/home/kinoulton-village-hall

The Grange & Grange Hall

Vicarage Lane, Radcliffe on Trent, Nottingham, NG12 2FB

Tel: 0115 933 5808

Email: bookings@rotpc.com

Website: www.radcliffe-grangehall.co.uk

Radcliffe Hall

17 Main Rd, Radcliffe on Trent, Nottingham NG12 2FD

Tel: 0115 933 6313

Email: radcliffehall@btconnect.com

Website: http://www.radcliffehall.co.uk

Royal British Legion

17 Main Road, Radcliffe on Trent, Nottingham, NG12 2BB

Tel: 0115 911 0181 or 07938 448535

Email: legion-radcliffe@live.com

Website: www.radcliffelegion.co.uk

Shelford Village Hall

Church Street, Shelford, Nottinghamshire, NG12 1EN

Tel: 0115 933 4036

Email: email cat0001@hotmail.co.uk.

Website: www.shelfordandnewton.org.uk/community/village-hall

St Mary's Church Hall

Main Road, Radcliffe on Trent, NG12 2FD,


Tel: 0115 845 1656 (answerphone only)

Email: see website for email link

Website: http://www.stmarysradcliffe.org/hall

Upper Saxondale Community Hall

Serpentine Close, Upper Saxondale, nr Radcliffe-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire NG12 2NS

Tel: 07966 006784

Email: john.wilkinson62@btinternet.com

Website: www.uppersaxondale.com

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